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Technical Overview of the Common Language Runtime

Technical Overview of the Common Language Runtime In past years many researchers moved to JVM (1) as their vehicle for their languages, the JVM is just a great platform for Java but that is not the case with other languages. As an alternative Microsoft .NET Common Language Infraestructure (CLI) was designed from the ground up to be a multi-language platform. The main reasons why people are looking at alternative implementation paths for native compilers are(1): Portability: By using an intermediate language, you need only n+m translators instead of n∗m translators, to implement n languages on m platforms. Compactness: Intermediate code is often much more compact than the original source. Efficiency: By delaying the commitment to a specific native platform as much as possible, you can make optimal use of the knowledge of the u nderlying machine, or even adapt to the dynamic behavior of the program. Security: High-level intermediate code is more amenable to deployment and run...

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